Saturday 26 September 2009

Shout out for OpenCSV

I just wanted to give a shout out to a nice library I stumbled upon when working on my latest Google App Engine for Java project, a site for displaying my running clubs Road Race results for the last few years at

I have a need to upload a lot of data from old Excel files up into the DataStore. I searched around for an easy way to convert the Excel to a set of annotated POJOs and came across OpenCSV. Turns out to be totally trival to consume a CSV file and use the data to populate the fields of a POJO using standard bean conventions.

Will post a code snippet to show how when back at my dev machine.

Having done the POJO conversion I then used XStream to turn them into an XML file and a little servlet I have been working on to consume the XStream recreating the POJOs on the server and putting them in the DataStore, but more of that later.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Google App Engine (GAE) for Java and XStream

XStream is a powerful and often incredibly useful tool for turning Java classes into XML and back again. If have used it for all sorts of data transformation, configuration loading and saving, persistence needs over the past few years.

In my recent investigations of Google App Engine for Java (GAE/J) I have come across the problem of how to seed an application I am developing with the initial set of data that it needs. At the time of writing GAE doesn't have much in the way of a data loading/management API, especially on Java.

So I thought I would look at using my trusty old friend XStream and file upload to send data up into the application to populate the Datastore.

Unfortunately using XStream with GAE proved to be less than straightforward mainly due to the current security restrictions in the GAE environment. GAE is a sandboxed environment with white listing of a limited set of classes.

As a result there are a couple of issues with using XStream in GAE

  • The standard out of the box XStream uses classes that are not permitted by the sandboxed GAE environment

  • A common usage pattern for XStream is to use it to create an object input or output stream that can be used to read and write serializable objects, but this works by using subclassing of ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream, again this is not allowed by the GAE security model

  • However all is not lost. I found a couple of interesting discussions about the security issues here and here the result of which was a JIRA entry with a number of patches that work around the Serialization security issues.

    I took the gae3-xstream.patch and applied it and tested it and found my problems were half solved. I had hit the second issue I listed above.

    I was trying and failing to create an ObjectInputStream in GAE to unmarshall an XStream representation of a serialized stream of objects.

    The serialized object representation had been created using

    ObjectOutputStream out = xstream.createObjectOutputStream(stringWriter);
    for (WavaBase wavaBase : wavaBases) {

    As a result you get a nicely formed XML document with an object-stream root.


    But this form of document requires use of an object stream to reverse the process.

    ObjectInputStream in = xstream.createObjectInputStream(inputStream);
    List<WavaBase> wavaBases = new ArrayList<WavaBase>();
    while(true) {
        WavaBase wavaBase = (WavaBase)in.readObject();
        if (wavaBase == null) break;

    Here is where we hit the issue with XStream on GAE as we are not able to call createObjectInputStream() without getting a security violation.

    But all is not lost. If we adopt a different approach for creating our XML document containing the XStream serialized data we require we can work about the stream security problems.

    The alternative approach is to create a list or set of the data that we want to save and then to use toXml() to form the document, this doesn't require or use the custom input and output streams.

    To create the serialized object representation use

    List<WavaBase> clonedWavaBases = ...;
    xstream.toXML(wavaBases, stringWriter);

    which gives us a subtly different XML generated


    To turn the XML back into Java objects in the Google App Engine we call

    List<WavaBase> wavaBases = (List<WavaBase>)xstream.fromXML(inputStream);

    By-passing the issues with object stream handling.

    Using this approach has allowed me to load the data I need into my first GAE application Wava Calculator which is a simple GWT/GXT application for calculating age adjusted times for runners.

    Wednesday 16 September 2009

    Google App Engine Java (GAE) Persistence Gotcha

    Working with GAE/J (Google App Engine for Java) I hit a snag whilst trying to upload some data into my google web app. I was using a set of tricks and tools (more of which later) to reconstruct some data from an XML file description of the data generated with XStream.

    As a result the data being mapped into the application had to some extent to match the objects which had produced it. As a result I have a SortedMap field in one of my data objects.

    public class WavaBase implements Comparable <WavaBase> {
        private String id;
        private String sex;
        private Double standardInSeconds;
        private String distance;
        private Double distanceInKilometers;

        private SortedMap<Integer,WavaData> wavaData;
        private SortedSet<WavaData> wavaDataSet;

    The sorted map is not annotated as @Persistent but here is the gotcha. GAE will still attempt to persist it resulting in a most unhelpful warning

    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: FK Maps not supported.
        at org.datanucleus.sco.backed.SortedMap.(
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

    Looking at the trace you can see that datanucleus is attemting to deal with the SortedSet even though it is not marked for persistence.

    To ensure that a private member of a @PersistenceCapable class is not processed by the persistence store you need to "explicitly" mark the member as @NotPersistent, this tells the persistence layer to ignore the member.

    So the class becomes

    public class WavaBase implements Comparable <WavaBase> {
        private String id;
        private String sex;
        private Double standardInSeconds;
        private String distance;
        private Double distanceInKilometers;

        private SortedMap<Integer,WavaData> wavaData;
        private SortedSet<WavaData> wavaDataSet;

    There may be a way to switch the default handling of members of a @PersistenceCapable class so that members need to be explicitly included in persistence rather than excluded, but I haven't found it yet.

    Daddy can pix it!

    In my house, shared with my lovely wife and two kids, there is a believe amongst the smaller members of the family, that I can fix anything. If something is broken it is delivered sometimes with great ceremony into Daddy's oppice (office) to be pixed (fixed).

    Now I would love to claim myself some DIY guru with special powers to mend or repair, or even better to make or invent.

    Sadly in the "real" world I am a simple fella who can do basic tasks and who has a tube (currently missing in action) of Super Glue that can be used to mend and repair many a tragic accident.

    Ok, so where am I going with this. Outside of my family life I am for want of a better description a software engineer. I have worked developing software at various levels of the software stack for over 20 years now. I believe I am a pretty decent software engineer and have worked for big firms, small firms and in recent years I have run my own company with a couple of friends and ex-colleagues.

    Increasingly as I go through my working life I am amazed at the progress we make in terms of the software and tools that are available to us, and often at the same time appalled by just how difficult is it to get technologies working outside of a simple use case that the developer had in mind when writing it, and worse still just how difficult it can be to make differernt tools, libraries and products work together.

    So I increasing spend time trying to discover and integrate new and existing technologies to produce ways of increasing productivity and making the building of effective solutions that will scale and be resilient.

    The goal of this blog to try and provide a place to bring together the successful (and failed) attempts I have at technology intergration in the hope that it will
    • be useful to others attempting to follow a similar path
    • be a reminder to myself if no one else as to what I did and why and what tips and tricks I learned
    • give me a place to appraise the technologies I find and maybe generate some debate with others about where the technologies might go
    As I write this I find myself wondering if anyone but I will ever read it, and whether it matters. But I can but try and embrace the 21st century.

    In the coming days and weeks I hope to blog on some of the technologies I am currently working with such as
    • The Old - Spring, XStream, Java, Hibernate
    • The New - Google App Engine for Java
    • The Borrowed - GigaSpaces and Caching, GWT, GXT
    • The Blue - Eclipse Tooling
    I hope to provide some software super glue enabling others to quickly link, integrate, fix and reuse some of the great software out there in the world.

    Ok, enough already, on with the show!